Enrique Roig

Enrique Roig

Enrique Roig is a global Citizen Security specialist with more than 20 years of experience in 23 countries. His work has focused on crime and violence prevention, preventing violent extremism, political development, and conflict resolution. He also served as the Senior Citizen Security Specialist and Coordinator for the Central America Regional Security Initiative at the U.S. Agency for International Development. In that role, he collaborated with USG interagency teams and regional partners to manage the strategic direction of the Central America Regional Security to reduce violence. Enrique is a sought out expert on youth programming, citizen security, and political development and has served as keynote speaker and panelist for the Wilson Center, Global Initiative Against Transnational Crime, Stanford University, Harvard Kennedy School, Los Angeles Gang Prevention and Intervention Conference, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.

Don’t Let the Mob Win Out

I woke up this morning staring at the Washington Post headline, “Trump Mob Storms Capitol” feeling a range of emotions from – we saw this coming to the desire to hold Trump and his enablers accountable for this insurrection. Yesterday…

Public Security is more than ‘Law and Order’

During the raucous first presidential debate of 2020, President Trump challenged former Vice-President Joe Biden to say the words “law and order” as part of the discussion on Race and Violence in Our Cities. This tactic was meant to show Biden as somehow soft on public safety. Biden said more than the words; he also strongly expressed support for police officers and opposing violence.

La Seguridad Ciudadana es mas que el ‘Orden Público’

Durante el bronco primer debate presidencial de 2020, el presidente Trump instó al ex vicepresidente Joe Biden a pronunciar las palabras “ley y orden” dentro del debate sobre raza y violencia en las ciudades de EE.UU. Esta táctica tenía por objeto presentar a Biden como un blando en materia de seguridad ciudadana. Biden fue incluso más allá al expresar su apoyo incondicional a las fuerzas del orden público y denunciar la violencia.