Healing after Orlando

I am still mourning, and shocked after the Orlando shooting.

And honestly very concerned to see how some are trying to promote bigotry instead of healing, by derailing the conversation about what happened.

The clear facts emerging out of this tragedy are that a mentally-illed american citizen, who had a homophobic trait, was able to do this horrific terrorizing hate crime because, in spite of his background, he was able to carry an assault weapon.

The healing and closure of this hate crime should call our attention in two equally important directions: 1) Homophobia is unacceptable, we should respect and recognize others people sexual orientation and embrace and enforce human rights to ensure peaceful coexistence; and 2) No one should be allowed to have assault weapons; and strict gun control laws should ensure that no one with mental health issues purchases or possesses any type of guns.

Let’s come together and fight hate with love. My heart and thought are with the victims and their families, and my hope is that hate crimes like this would never happen again.