Leopoldo Martínez

Leopoldo Martínez

FOUNDER​ | A Venezuelan-American, Leopoldo is an international lawyer, writer, social entrepreneur, and a former Congressman in Venezuela. He is the Founder of the Center for Democracy and Development in the Americas, IQLatino and the Principal of LMN Consulting, LLC. Leopoldo Martínez is a member the Democratic National Committee (DNC), as well as one of the Deputy Finance Chairs; and a founding Board Member of Latino Victory Project , chairing the National Committee. He served on the Board of the Small Business Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia and sits on the Board of Visitors of the University Mary Washington in Virginia, where he Chairs the Administration, Advancement, Finance and Facilities Committee. Leopoldo served in the Government Transition Committee for the 73rd Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam. Leopoldo Martínez is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs.

The country needs reform, not repression.

In 2017, in the wake of the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, I published my syndicated column on how Trump’s racist policies implied a dangerous social regression for the U.S. Since then, the fears have increased leading up to national outcry after…

Democracy is on the ballot

The last few weeks have been very concerning for the future of democracy in the United States. It seems that Trump’s rhetoric continuously translates into concrete actions undermining institutions, without (inexplicably) a reaction from the majority of the Republican leadership…