Alexandra Rivas

Alexandra Rivas

RESEARCH FELLOW, IQ Latino | Dedicated student pursuing a Double Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and International Relations in Madrid. Mainly interested in management and Political Science. Responsible, open-minded, and motivated to work in teams, while getting to know new cultures and nationalities.

El experto en seguridad nacional Juan Sebastián González contradice al Senador Marco Rubio y su artículo titulado “Revirtiendo las políticas fallidas de Obama-Biden en Venezuela”

El pasado 28 de junio, el Senador Republicano, Marco Rubio, publicó un artículo titulado “Revirtiendo las políticas fallidas de Obama-Biden en Venezuela”, causante de polémicas y contradicciones, siendo sumamente relevantes los argumentos expuestos por el Demócrata ex subsecretario de Estado…

The national security expert Juan Sebastian Gonzalez contradicts Senator Marco Rubio and his article titled “Reversing the failed policies of Obama-Biden in Venezuela”

On June 28, the Republican Senator, Marco Rubio, published an article titled “Reversing the failed policies of Obama-Biden in Venezuela” causing controversy and contradictions; the most important being the arguments presented in a Twitter thread by the former Deputy Assistant Secretary…